Section 1.  Implementation Scheme and Society-wide Cooperation

 Upon decision of the Basic Environment Plan, it is essential that all 
members of society share common understanding, cooperate together and 
act for conservation of the environment.  The Government ministries and 
agencies shall work closely together through the Cabinet meeting, 
related ministers' councils and conferences of ministries and agencies 
concerned, to comprehensively and systematically implement the 
environmental measures provided in the Plan.  Local governments are 
expected to promote policies and measures comparable to the State as 
well as their own in line with the direction of the Plan and according 
to the natural and social conditions of each area, through comprehensive 
systematic measures such as establishing a comprehensive environmental 
  It is required that the State, local governments, corporations, people 
and private organizations cooperate in line with the Plan and in close 
partnership to promote various measures and activities voluntarily 
sharing fair burden each other.  In particular, cooperation between the 
State and local governments will be strengthened so as to ensure that 
various measures in the Plan are implemented effectively.
 The State shall promote systematic collection, accumulation and use of 
relevant environmental information in order to monitor, evaluate and 
utilize the progress of various measures and activities under the Plan 
as well as to disseminate them to the sectors concerned who are 
promoting those activities through  various means such as publishing 
annual white paper on the environment.  Measures shall be promoted for 
nationwide information exchanges to support the activities of regional 
organizations comprised of local governments, corporations and people 
aimed at fostering the measures and activities under the Plan.

Section 2.  Setting Specific  Goals

 In order to ensure the effective implementation of measures under the 
Plan, efforts will be made to promptly develop comprehensive indicators 
concerning the long-term objectives specified in the PART II.  Whereas 
various specific goals have been set regarding certain measures, 
investigations required shall be undertaken from comprehensive viewpoint 
in light of the principal directions of the Plan  and these goals shall 
be reconsidered where necessary so as to ensure the measures will be 
effectively implemented.  Also, in the fields where necessary, specific 
goals shall be set and new programs shall be developed.

Section 3.  Financial and Other Measures

 The State shall promote financial and other measures necessary to 
implement the measures under the Plan.  In so doing, it shall take 
account of the progress of the Plan and the state of the environment as 
well as appropriately ensure the comprehensive promotion of various 
public works coherently with the Guideline for budget on the 
environmental expenditure, which is set by the Environment Agency every 
 The State shall, likewise, make efforts to provide necessary financial 
and other assistance for expenditures on environmental measures which 
are voluntarily implemented by local governments according to the 
situations of each locality.

Section 4. Coordination among National Plans

 The Basic Environment Plan is the nation's basic plan for environmental 
conservation.  It is therefore essential that between the Plan and other 
national plans, harmony with the Basic Environment Plan should be ensued 
relating to environmental conservation.
 Other national plans which are exclusively aiming at environmental 
conservation shall be formulated and promoted in accordance with the 
principal directions of the Basic Environment Plan.
 As for other national plans which include provisions on environmental 
conservation, these are to be compatible with the principal directions 
of the Basic Environment Plan relating to environmental conservation, so 
harmonious coordination shall be ensured with the Plan.

Section 5.  Follow-up of Progress and Review of the Plan

 To ensure steady implementation of the Basic Environment Plan, the 
Central Environment Council will follow-up the progress of measures 
under the plan every year, hearing the opinions of the public and each 
sector of society, and, where necessary, report to the Government on 
future policy directions.
 The Plan shall be reviewed, responding flexibly and appropriately to 
the changes of economy and society in Japan and abroad.  The review will 
be made in around five years after the Cabinet decision on the Plan.


1  Consultation to the Council
           January 14, 1994
To : Jiro KONDO,  Chairman of the Central Environment Council

        Morihiro HOSOKAWA,  Prime Minister

Regarding the Basic Environment Plan (Consultation)
 Based on the Paragraph 3 of Article 15 of the Basic Environment Law, I 
hereby consult with the Council as follows.
 "How should be the basic plan with regard to environmental conservation 
for systematic and comprehensive promotion of the policies for 
environmental conservation (the Basic Environment Plan)"

2  Report of the Council
           December 9, 1994
To : Tomiichi MURAYAMA,  Prime Minister 

     Jiro KONDO,  Chairman of the Central Environment Council

Regarding the Basic Environment Plan (Report)
 This is a report as attached on the conclusions of the Central 
Environment Council to "Regarding the Basic Environment Plan (
consultation)" dated January 14, 1994, Consultation Number 6.
 In the course of deliberations, the Council directly heard the 
explanations by Ministries and Agencies concerned, local governments and 
private organizations on environmental measures and activities, 
published an interim report on deliberation, and held public hearings in 
nine places across the country.  Through these processes, we heard 
opinions from broad sectors of society and made best efforts to 
incorporate them in the discussion and the conclusion.

 The Council strongly expect the Government to quickly decide the Basic 
Environment Plan in accordance with this Report and to comprehensively 
and effectively implement the Plan by putting these measures into 
practice in cooperation of the whole Government.
 As well, the Council hopes that, in consideration of particularly high 
public interests on : development and utilization of indicators which 
show the progress towards long-term objectives of the Plan aiming at 
building a sustainable society, measures concerning global warming, 
waste management and recycling program, measures concerning harmonious 
coexistence between humankind and nature, environmental education, 
environmental impact assessment scheme, economic measures to reduce 
environmental load and so on, the Government promotes studies and 
investigation in line with the principal direction of the Plan and 
implement necessary measures.
 In order to build a sustainable society, not only the Government but 
also the cooperate efforts of local governments, corporations, people 
and private organizations are indispensable.  The Council hopes that the 
Government pays special attention to the awareness programs, such as 
making information available to the public about the content of the Plan 
and its implementation progress.
 Furthermore, specific proposals or examples of action shown in the 
public opinions should be taken into consideration in the policy 
implementation by the Government as appropriate.

 To contribute to steady implementation of the Basic Environment Plan, 
the Council will follow-up the Plan's progress and, as necessary, report 
future policy directions to the Government.

3  Statement by Prime Minister Tomiichi MURAYAMA
           December 16, 1994

 Today, the Cabinet meeting decided the Basic Environment Plan.

 Since the enactment of the Basic Environmental Law last November, Japan 
took its first step in the long journey of new environmental policies 
for this era of globalization..  The Basic Environment Plan decided 
today is another step forward.  It solidifies the outline for realizing 
the basic principles and measures provided by the Basic Environmental 
Law.  The Plan is intended to enable the blessings of the environment to 
be enjoyed far into the future by setting forth four long-term 
objectives : which are to ensure that 1) human activities interfering 
with nature's cycle are minimized, 2) people and nature coexist in 
harmony, 3) everyone participates in environmental conservation, and 4) 
international activities are promoted.  It also clarifies the direction 
of Japan's comprehensive environmental policy.

 It is my firm conviction that one of the government's basic tasks is to 
ensure a safe environment to live in for both ourselves and future 
generations, thereby creating a nation that is friendly to people and 
the environment.  I also believe that these are key roles that Japan 
must play internationally.  This Plan solidifies these beliefs into 
governmental policy.
 Hereafter, the government shall be in charge of effecting this Plan.  
Our first tasks include the establishment of an action program for 
making the government business more environmentally friendly.  It is 
also essential that the government works together with local governments,
 companies, private citizens and civil organizations with each sector 
pulling their own weight in this effort.  Every member of our society 
must take a closer look at and reorganize their routine activities and 
lifestyles.  These commitments are what pushes us forward in creating a 
nation friendly to people and the environment.

 I earnestly desire understanding and participation from each citizen to 
ensure that the aim of this Plan, which is to attain of sustainable 
development with little environmental interference, is achieved.

1 Translator's note :  The term "environmental conservation" is used 
hereinafter as a translation of Japanese term "kankyo no hozen", which 
includes both protection and improvement of the environment.

1 TRANSLATOR'S NOTE : Here, "mountainous areas", "countryside areas", "
areas with high human impacts" are translations of more concise Japanese 
words, "sanchi", "satichi" and "heichi".